Most people don't realize that their acne problem is caused by toxic buildup inside their body. Yes, you might think that acne is just a cosmetic problem that most teenagers have, but it's not as simple as that. You know, acne is a much bigger problem than that. It is caused by serious imbalance within your body.

Toxins play a big role in your acne formation. The more toxins that you have in your body, the more acne that will appear in your skin. That's why it is important for you to eliminate your acne from within. The first thing that you need to do is to eliminate toxins from your body. In this way, you will be able to cure your acne quickly and effectively. Detoxification is the best way to eliminate toxins from your body.

Follow this simple detoxification method to cure your acne fast.

Supplies needed:

  1. Lots of apples
  2. Avocado juices
  3. Water
  4. Green vegetables


  1. Each day, you will need lots of apples, 3-4 glasses of avocado juices, 8 glasses of water, and lots of green vegetables. Make sure to prepare those things in your refrigerator.

  2. Be determined to do this detoxification method for 3 days. Set the intention on your mind before you start the whole process. It is better for you not to stop in the middle of the process later.

  3. You should be ready to abstain from eating regular meals for at least 3 days. This is important to prevent any more toxic accumulation in your body.

  4. Each day in the morning, eat at least 5 apples, 1 glass of avocado juice, and drink fresh water as needed. This will serve as your breakfast.

  5. Each day at noon, eat the salad of green vegetables, 1 glass of avocado juice, some apples, and drink fresh water as you feel necessary. This will serve as your lunch.

  6. Each day at night, eat 5 apples, 1 glass of avocado juice, some green vegetables, and drink some water if necessary. This will serve as your dinner.

  7. Do this dietary routine for 3 days. Do not deviate from this routine unless you feel physically unhealthy in the process.

When you follow the instructions above, you will be able to clean the toxins within your body and heal your skin very quickly. Please note that during the process, you will need to excrete your bowel more often since you give much more fibers to your body than you usually do. This will trigger the digestive system to work more efficiently in eliminating toxins from your body.

As you can see, this method is very simple to do. Anybody can do it if they have the determination to do it. You can do it too, so don't throw this information away without acting on it. If you want more advice on how to cure your acne completely, you should take a look at a method called holistic acne cure system. This method has helped thousands of acne sufferers to get their clear skin back in less than 2 months. You should learn more about this incredible method here.

What does cinnamon bring to your mind? Flavorful cuisine! Well, cinnamon is a savory spice that has been extensively used in cooking. At the same time, it has curative properties, including the ability to cure acne. The onset of acne is attributed to several factors, such as hormonal fluctuations, overactive sebaceous glands, high stress levels, nutrient deficiencies and allergens, among others. Regardless of the underlying causes of acne, it is always sensible to take a natural approach for acne treatment. Let's see how cinnamon can help you!

Cinnamon is obtained from the bark of the cinnamon tree, which is native to tropical areas. Its use in food and medicine, especially Chinese medicine, dates as far back as 2000 B.C. Cinnamon can address several health issues, including diarrhea, flatulence, intestinal colic and menstrual cramps. It is also known to control blood sugar and cholesterol levels. When it comes to natural acne treatment, cinnamon's antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties play an important role. Additionally, cinnamon supports skin health by promoting blood flow to the skin. In other words, it brings essential nutrients to the skin surface. Cinnamon's major constituent is cinnamaldehyde. It also contains tannins, flavonoids and other health-giving plant pigments.

How can you use cinnamon for acne cure? You can use cinnamon in the powder form or as an essential oil. As little as three drops of the essential oil added to about two tablespoons of petroleum jelly can work wonders in rejuvenating your skin. The mixture can improve the tone of your lips and skin by reducing fine lines.You can also substitute petroleum jelly with olive oil. Cinnamon powder cleanses the skin by exfoliating the dead skin cells and eliminating the excess oil. It facilitates deep cleansing of the pores, thereby decreasing inflammation and checking the growth of bacteria that worsens acne.

One of the most popular home remedies for acne constitutes cinnamon and honey. Honey has equally attractive skin-health properties, including anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and moisturizing properties and works for all skin types - dry, oily and combination types. It is capable of absorbing impurities from clogged pores and its natural hydrogen peroxide content prevents bacterial infestation. For a simple yet effective recipe, mix a tablespoon of freshly ground cinnamon powder with two teaspoons of honey. Leave the mixture for about 15 minutes to let their properties diffuse well. To use the mix as a face mask, apply it on your face, leave for about 20 minutes and rinse. To use it for spot treatment, apply it on the affected spot and leave it overnight before washing off. The treatment is effective for back acne as well.

If you have sensitive skin, make sure that you conduct a spot test on your jawline or neck. It is important to remember that accidental ingestion of cinnamon powder can burn your mouth and throat and also lead to breathing problems. Those who are prone to hay fever or have pollen allergies must be cautious of allergic reactions associated with using honey.

There I was. I had paid just under $400 dollars to get a bright, clear, zit and scar-free face. My appointment for a deep herbal skin peel had arrived. As my cognizant and trusted Russian aesthetician, Dana, glided me onto the spa bed, she warned, "This his going to hurt a lot, you must be strong."

Seconds later I am courageously, though mentally moaning to myself, ""Jesus! Uhhh! Iiiiiiiiiii! Help! It feels like she''s rubbing glass into my face.""

"You''re doing fine... Just a few more minutes and we'll be done. Yes, it is tough to be beautiful", coached Dana.

"I am out of my body, I am out of my body. I am free. I feel easy, light... Crap! This is not working, it still hurts like hell", I whimpered to myself.

A satanic eternity later, Dana was done. And all the Heavens rejoiced in my cosmetic liberation. To all appearances, Dana took my face from scarred and acneic to blistered and tamale red in a matter of 7 minutes.

"Here, take these home and use them as I have instructed. You must do as I say or you will damage your skin and it will not look like baby new skin when you return in four days. Be extremely careful with your skin, it is very fragile now, be gentle with it. Do not scrub or wash your skin for the next three days. Use only the materials that I have given you."

Dana''s words were all I could think about in the coming hours. As I rushed home from the spa looking like a red version of the Blue Men, I congratulated myself for following through on a decision that took over a year to make.

For the next three days I avoided the sun like a bat and hid away from society. If I did have to face the sun, even just for a few seconds, I slathered my skin with a physical sun block that contained titanium oxide that Dana gave me.

Day One After the Deep Peel:

My face is no longer red. It became extremely dry. My face is like a fish out of water, scaly. I use the thick cream Dana gave me as she foretold, "Your skin will become very dry and then begin to peel off in chunks. And then you will have nice, new and beautiful skin like a baby."

Day Two After the Deep Peel:

"It has begun! It has begun!" I scream like a mad scientist. The moment I was waiting for- my skin began peeling off in chunks. I could just lightly rub my face and dry scales of skin would come off. It was amazing all day long this was happening. Scales of dry skin coming off my face. It did not hurt. It was just amazing to witness first hand.

Day Three After the Deep Peel:

More of day-two type activity. My skin is peeling like crazy. I'm a happy because I can already tell that most of my scars are gone.

Day Four After the Deep Peel:

I return to see Dana. She gives me a facial to remove the excess dead skin cells from my face. Afterwards, Dana and I are both amazed at the results. She bemoans, "I wished I had taken a before and after picture, you look completely different now. Your skin is beautiful!"

I agreed with her 150%. I had new clear skin that was as soft and firm as a newborn baby's face.

This deep peel turned out to be a hasty move on my part, because just a few months later, my skin was just as scarred with zits as it was before I started the deep peel. I realized that I needed to have my acne under control before proceeding with serious, and not to mention expensive, skin treatments. I advise the same to all. Make sure your zit break outs are few and far between before you spend your money on scar removal.

A light and glowing skin complexion is something that everyone longs for. In the quest to attain this, most of us tend to rely on commercial skin products, such as lotions, bleaches and creams. Nevertheless, this tendency seems to be changing as the awareness about natural skin care remedies is increasing. Most often, our kitchen cabinets contain all the natural ingredients necessary to make our skin look lighter and more radiant, that too without the side effects associated with chemical products. All it takes is some enlightenment to explore and apply the remedy that suits us. Read on to learn more!

Virtually every person encounters skin problems at some point in their life, be it acne, darkening, pigmentation, dark spots or wrinkles. Part of these issues can be attributed to the natural process of aging, but many of them are due to pollution, exposure to the sun's ultra-violet rays, stress, hormones, lifestyle, etc. Using natural remedies to lighten your skin complexion, i.e. bleach or whiten your skin,can provide natural clear skin by addressing the underlying problems. Unlike commercial lotions and acne products that cause side effects, natural remedies tend to moisturize and rejuvenate the skin effectively. Fruits and vegetables, such as lemon, orange, papaya and onion that form a part of our regular diet can provide an effective skin care regimen. Almond oil, milk and honey have excellent moisturizing properties, meaning that they serve to prevent skin damage when used in combination with relatively stronger ingredients.

Lemon is a citrus fruit that has natural bleaching properties that help lighten the skin tone and remove acne scars. As part of your daily skin care regimen, you can apply lemon juice on your face with a cotton ball, leave for about five minutes and rinse. Lemon juice can be mixed with honey or almond oil to increase its effectiveness. A facemask of lemon, sandalwood powder and tomato juice will tone and rejuvenate the skin. Allow the mask to dry before rinsing it off. If you are specifically looking for a remedy to heal sunburn-induced skin damage, the best suggestion is to apply a mix of lemon juice and turmeric powder. Both have bleaching properties.

Another citrus fruit that has effective skin-lightening properties is orange. An easy recipe is to grind dried orange peels and mix with yoghurt to make a paste. Apply it on the face and wash after about 15 minutes. This treatment lightens your skin tone and also eliminates blemishes.

Among other remedies, oatmeal is an excellent ingredient to make a skin whitening face mask. Make mixture of oatmeal, yoghurt and tomato juice, apply it on your face, leave for about 20 minutes, and rinse. A solution of equal quantities of white vinegar and water can also lighten your skin. Leave it on the skin for about 10 minutes before washing it off. Onion and vinegar juice provide acne solutions and lighten the skin through exfoliation. Aloe Vera helps in skin regeneration, while potato slices can remove pigmentation.

External natural remedies must be complemented by a healthy and balanced diet. It is important to consume fresh fruits and vegetables and drink enough water to keep your skin hydrated and eliminate toxic substances.

In the United States alone, there are over 40 Million people who struggle with acne. Many of these people treat acne using chemicals such as antibiotics, prescription drugs, benzoyl peroxide, and salicylic acid.

However, there is a growing number of people who choose herbal acne treatments over traditional medications. Usually, herbal medications have far fewer side effects, and are not as dangerous as some of the prescription drugs.

The problem however, is that the United States does very little to regulate the herbal supplement industry. Unlike traditional chemical medications, herbal medications are not required to be clinically proven to work, or even to be safe. An example of this lack of regulation recently came to light with ephedra related deaths, and ephedras subsequent ban.

This lack of regulation results in many different acne products on the market. All of which claim to heal, prevent, or even cure acne with few, if any, side effects.

The truth is, there are very few herbal acne treatments that are scientifically proven to work. Traditional chemical treatments are still the most effective in stopping acne.

There are only 2 herbal treatments that have been clinically proven to help stop acne, tea tree oil and green tea cream.

Tea tree oil is a natural oil, derived from the Melaleuca alternifolia, a particular type of tea tree found exclusively in Australia. While it has been used from hundreds of years by the native aboriginals as a treatment for just about anything, it has only recently been accepted by modern medicine as being a viable anti-bacterial agent.

Even though tea tree oil has been suspected as an anti-bacterial agent for some time, A groundbreakings study was conducted in 1990 by I.B. Bassett, which compared tea tree oil to benzoyl peroxide in the treatment of acne. It was found that tea tree oil is as effective as a 5% benzoyl peroxide solution. It takes longer (6 weeks) for the tea tree oil to be as effective, but participants in the study reported none of the side effects associated with benzoyl peroxide, such as redness, skin irritation, or dry skin.

This study has helped tea tree oil become a recognized and legitimate herbal acne treatment. However, there is no need to purchase an expensive cream that contains tea tree oil. Just applying several drops of the oil directly on the acne has shown to be the most effective way to apply tea tree oil.

This was the only herbal acne treatment that had been proven to work until recently, when Dr. Jennifer Gan-Wong conducted a study that shows green tea can also effectively fight acne.

Dr. Gan-Wong compared a green tea cream with 3% green tea, to a 4% benzoyl peroxide solution, and found that the results in treating acne where the same for both the tea and the peroxide. These results were recently presented at the 2003 annual meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology.

These findings are relatively recent, and are not yet corroborated by additional independent studies. However, this evidence does demonstrate that the natural anti-bacterial properties of green tea can be effective to treat acne.

For those of you who are confused by the plethora of herbal acne treatments available, there really are only 2 that have been proven to be effective in fighting acne. Green tea cream, and tea tree oil. While many other herbal acne treatments may be good to moisturize the skin, or reduce oils, these are the only two that should be considered truly effective acne treatments.

Acne No More: An Objective Review

 Acne No More makes some rather bold claims in its promotions, saying that it 
can help you solve your acne problems for good. Across the board, people that 
suffer with acne have tried many different products only to find disappointment 
for their efforts. To help you out, we wrote this article in an attempt to 
dispel any myths about Acne No More and what this product can actually do for 

 Acne affects every person slightly differently. There are lots of causes for 
acne and everybody has different types of skin. Acne No More acknowledges this 
and gives you options for customizing it to fit yourself. Because the book takes
  a deep and close look at your lifestyle and diet and how your health impacts 
your skin, you'll get a really good understanding of what you are going to need 
to do to clear up your acne. Most acne cures aren't anything more than a jar of 
something that you spread onto your skin but Acne No More understands that a 
true cure needs to be more customized than that.

 Acne No More deals with some of the causes of acne that hardly anyone else 
talks about. There are lots of health problems that are caused by 
parasites--microorganisms that live in our food and in our environment. Our 
immune systems and the amount of stress we feel are compromised and increased by
  parasites. Acne is a symptom of this and Acne No More teaches users how to get 
these harmful parasites out of your body. This book is going to help you reduce 
your stress and get more sleep--two things that will go a long way in helping 
you better resist these parasites.

 If you want to try Acne No More you might feel like learning everything it 
teaches is going to be hard. After all, in addition to your 200+ page eBook, 
there is also a lot of bonus information to sort through too. The good news is 
that the content is easy to read and to understand and you don't need to have 
any medical background to be able to understand it. You'll also find the 
information practical and the directions very easy to follow. It's true that you
  are going to need to take some time to do some reading and to test out some 
different methods they are not going to be very hard to implement or complicated
  to try out. Acne No More has the advantage of being a system that any person
can  follow.

Waking up to a solitary, huge red spot on your face can be irritating, and 
doubly so if you have a big event in a few days. They are also irritating if 
they turn up in the weirdest places, such as near your nostrils, at the back of 
your neck, and on your rear. Listed here are several acne spot treatments and 

 Apply benzoyl peroxide

 This compound gets rid of bacteria that triggers acne. Additionally, it dries
  your pimples. Benzoyl peroxide is sold in at least three concentrations, but
the  2.5% version is just as effective without the irritation which can result
when  using stronger variants. Remember to buy a solution that's oil-free and 

 Try salicylic acid

 Acne forms when dead skin cells inside the hair follicle accumulate, building
  a plug that can become irritated or infected. Salicylic acid helps quicken cell
  turnover to keep pores unclogged. It breaks down whiteheads and blackheads,,
and  at the same time minimizes oiliness. Use a product that contains at least
2% of  the active ingredient. If you find salicylic acid too drying, which can
actually  produce more blemishes down the road, you can try products made from
witch  hazel. This natural solution is just as effective as salicylic acid, but
won't  dry or irritate your skin like the latter.

 Try toothpaste

 Many professional skin experts would not recommend this, but many people 
claim it is effective. Toothpaste contains certain ingredients - baking soda, 
hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, essential oils, triclosan, menthol, and silica which
  can dry zits and make them less noticeable. Don't forget though that
considering  they are not manufactured for skin, they can also have substances,
such as  lauryl sulfate, that can be irritating to your skin.

 Apply baking soda

 For a quick pimple fix, mix a few tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate with a 
small amount of water, just to make it into a thick paste. Apply this mixture 
over the blemish.

 Try aspirin

 For infrequent pimples, you can crush one aspirin and add a bit of water. The
  paste can then be applied to the pimple. Let it sit for a short while before
you  rinse it off with soap and tepid to warm water. Aspirin dries out pimples
and  minimizes the redness.

 Never pop the pimple

 Resist the urge to pop your zits. This will only make the redness and 
inflammation worse. The acne is also more likely to leave a scar if you pop it. 
Also, keep your hands off your face. Your hands are oily and dirty, and when 
they get in contact with your face, you're essentially re-introducing bacteria 
and oil to the area you already cleansed.

Chemical peels for acne scars can be a very beneficial process for your skin.
  Winning the battle against acne may seem like the last of your troubles. 
However, until you've gotten rid of facial acne scars you haven't won the 

 Acne can be embarrassing and may cause depression and low self-esteem. Even 
worse are the scars and marks left behind that can take weeks or even months to 
fade away.

 Sometimes these scars can easily diminish through the natural processes of 
skin regeneration. However, for most of us our skin needs a little help dealing 
with this nuisance. So what treatment options are available for facial 

 Phenol Peels

 One chemical procedure that is used is a phenol peel. This type of peel is 
only carried out in a doctor's office with numbing agents on the areas prepped 
to be peeled before the chemical is applied. The phenol chemical penetrates very
  deeply and into the dermis layer of your skin.

 Typically, this type of peel is only needed for bad cases of pitted acne 
scars and has the side effects of causing discoloration on your skin. 
Furthermore, you have to keep the treated areas clean by washing your face often
  to prevent causing an infection.

 Trichloroacetic Acid (TCA) Peels

 Another chemical agent that is used to reduce scarring is Trichloroacetic 
acid. TCA is used for moderate facial scars and is relatively safe. This 
treatment goes beyond a superficial procedure and actually penetrates past the 
epidermis. It is very effective at removing scars, but also has the benefits of 
diminishing fine lines, sun spots, discoloration and blemishing.

 You can perform TCA peels yourself. However, you must use the appropriate 
concentrations of the chemical to prevent causing chemical burns on your face. 
In addition, if you notice continual redness or dryness of the skin, the 
concentration of the acid is too high. Usually preparations that are 25% or less
  are the safest. Frosting on the top layer of skin is normal and expected for 
both phenol and TCA treatments and is part of the chemical peel process.

 Alpha-Hydroxy Acid (AHA) Peels

 Other options that can be utilized for home treatments are glycolic acid or 
salicylic acid peels. These peels are much milder and safer than phenol peels 
and so can be performed in the comfort of your home. It is very popular to 
incorporate both Alpha-Hydroxy and Beta-Hydroxy acids for treating facial 
scarring. Glycolic and salicylic acid peels are used for very light to moderate 
cases. In combination, these chemicals are small enough to seep into the pores 
of your skin and help your face release dead skin cells which in time will fade 

 Because the acids do not penetrate beyond the outer layer, or epidermis, of 
your skin, these peels require the least amount of recovery time. Furthermore, 
the acids are derived from sugarcane and fruits so are very natural. Some people
  find it useful to combine both AHA and TCA chemical treatments.

When using any chemical peels to treat acne scars it is important to keep 
your skin moisturized and to stay hydrated. Furthermore, your skin could become 
extra sensitive so avoidance of sun exposure or wearing sun screen may become 

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